Explore a range of exciting classes taught by professional artists. Learn the basics of drawing and painting, get your hands into some clay to make a sculpture or throw a pot on the wheel. Saw, carve, sand, and polish keepsakes out of Soapstone, use your imagination in printmaking, cut, paste, and assemble found objects and colored paper in 2- and 3-D collages, and more! The art department explodes with color and activity as we work toward our final exhibition on Festival Day.
In our state-of-the-art Mac lab, classes in 3D animation, programming, game development and computer art expand campers’ creativity in the realm of technology.
Dance with us around the world! You can choose from Afro-Caribbean, Hip Hop, Jazz, Modern, or Musical Theatre Choreography classes. Each class performs in the Dance Concert at the end-of-summer Arts Festival. Dance is also integrated into the Musical and Junior Musical productions.
Be lead singer, drummer, or guitarist in Rock Band! Compose a song in Songwriting. Sing loud and proud in a-CAAP-ella or Pop Singing. Sign up for guitar or drum instruction. Select from a wide variety of music classes and showcase your skills in our daily NoonTime shows and end-of-summer Festival Day!
Choose from a broad range of classes, including experimental and alternative image-making techniques, and digital practices in our up-to-date computer lab. We focus on the artistic process, emphasizing composition, form, and the many ways in which photography allows for self-expression.
Get active with us! Choose from a variety of martial arts, basketball, soccer, kickball, yoga, gaga ball, ultimate frisbee, and capture-the-tag. Take a Red Cross instructional swim class in our Olympic-size, heated, outdoor swimming pool or cool off with a daily free swim in the afternoon. There are so many "athletic arts" to choose from at CAAP!
Develop skills in improvisation, musical theater, vocal technique, straight theater, lighting and set design, and sound management. Sing, dance, perform, create and build in classes such as The Musical, The Jr. Musical, The Advanced One Act Play, Story Theater, Stagecraft, and Up & Down with Lights and Sound.
Get behind and in front of the camera in our state-of-the-art video lab. Produce, act, and direct a soap opera, watch and recreate classic film scenes, or ham it up in video comedy sketches. Use our extensive production equipment and professional editing software to learn the craft of traditional movie making.
What kind of a writer are you? Try your hand at Fiction Writing, Screenwriting, Poetry, First-Person Narrative, and Journalism. Become a contributor to our beloved CAAP newspaper,
"The Oak Tree Times!"